SQL Server Enhancement Idea - Inactive records

About a year ago, I had an idea for a SQL Server enhancement that I never wrote about.  I crafted a few sample queries that would utilize the feature, and I shared them with some colleagues, but I never wrote an article about it.  Needless to say, it's been in... [Read More]
Tags: TSQL

Extended MVP Pattern - Article Recap

Over the past few months, I posted several times about my extended MVP Pattern.  Since this was an ill-planned series of posts, I wanted to post a list of the articles involved. Scott Hanselman's post showing off the ASP.NET MVC framework triggered me to finally write about what I had... [Read More]

Recent thoughts relative to Support

While dealing with customer support after a recent release that contained a few bugs, I've found myself having the following two thoughts very often. The word "work" is part of the word "workaround" for a reason.  As soon as I find a "fun-around" for any issue, I'll let you know. ... [Read More]