Over on the ASP.NET MVC (Part 1) thread on ScottGu's blog, there's a little discussion between myself and a couple of others about whether or not a controller should have any logic in it. Doug Ramirez stated: Each 'thing' in the model should include it's own business rules, validation rules,...
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In keeping up with the ASP.NET MVC discussions on ScottGu's blog, Scott made a good point about how ASP.NET will be supporting MVC, not MVP. The above approach I showed uses a MVC based pattern - where the Controller and the View tend to be more separate and more loosly...
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MVC/MVP Validation - How's it done?
ScottGu posted Part 1 of a series about ASP.NET MVC. One of the comments asked, "How is input validation going to work?" That's something that I've been wondering about as well. With the ASP.NET MVC framework, and others it seems, if the controller has no reference to the view, how...
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A problem prevented the document from being scanned
I've been running Windows Vista Ultimate at home for several months now. Overall I've been satisfied, but I only use my home PC for a handful of hours per week, and I don't get to do much development from home. We have been using my Lexmark X5150 to scan and...
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An Extended MVP Pattern (MVP Validation)
Until last year, I had never used an MVP/MVC pattern before. I had read about the patterns at Martin Fowler's site, although the Model View Presenter pattern has since been retired. I had also seen some posts and demos and talks where people were using MVC/MVP frameworks. But I kept...
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