Well, it's too bad. But we decided today not to finish my 13,000-line change for our nullable value methods. A bunch of time has gone by since I started this process, and for many reasons, I haven't had the time necessary to devote to completing it. During the process of...
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My anti-anti-virus advice
In the past couple of months, Kelly has had 2 aunts report that their computers had died. In the first instance, the aunt had just installed Norton 360; in the second instance, the aunt had just installed the latest version of McAfee. The Norton 360 victim couldn't boot Windows at...
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Custom Controls Everywhere Saves the Day
I just cannot advocate Custom Controls Everywhere strongly enough. I find benefits for it all the time. It saved the day again today. Self-validating controls played into this one too. Here's what a co-worker reported to me a few minutes ago: Ron Ellis says (1:45 PM): on the textbox format...
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Custom Controls Everywhere and ASP.NET MVC, part 2
This is part 2 of a 4-part series discussing a concept that I've long called "Custom Controls Everywhere" and how ASP.NET MVC affects it. In part 1, we went through a discussion of how ASP.NET MVC took away the capability to use Custom Controls Everywhere. But in this article, we'll...
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Custom Controls Everywhere and ASP.NET MVC, part 1
This is part 1 of a 4-part series discussing a concept that I've long called "Custom Controls Everywhere" and how ASP.NET MVC affects it. This article will explain why I advocate the pattern and how ASP.NET MVC takes the capability away. What does Custom Controls Everywhere mean? When I start...
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