Throughout this series on RIA Services Validation, I’ve mentioned and shown ValidationContext several times. In this post, we’ll learn about the purpose of ValidationContext, what types of context it can provide, and how it integrates with RIA Services. This will allow us to explore further topics such as cross-entity validation...
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Privacy Breach Coincidence
I use disposable email addresses pretty aggressively. When I need to give someone (specifically websites) an email address, I create an address specific to that site. This has allowed me to easily block those sites that send me spam (or sell my data). I am very disciplined about this and...
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RIA Services Validation: Entity-Level Validation
In my last post, I went over some cross-field validation scenarios and provided some sample code, including a CompareValidatorAttribute. We’ve now covered single-field validation and cross-field validation, but there’s yet another level of validation supported by RIA Services—Entity-Level validation. As you’ll see in this post, entity-level validation is very similar...
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RIA Services Validation: Cross-Field Validation
I frequently hear questions about how to perform cross-field validation in RIA Services. Before thoroughly covering this topic*, I wanted to be sure to go through some simple scenarios, show how to use CustomValidationAttribute, how to derive from ValidationAttribute, explain how validation rules are propagated to the client, and what...
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Old Navy Marketing Idea–Encouraging Weight Loss
This is way off topic for my blog; it has nothing to do with technology. Feel free to turn around and go home now. But if you have ever hesitated to buy new clothes because you were planning to lose weight, you might want to stick around. I just submitted...
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