WCF RIA Services Product and Toolkit Downloads

I heard that with my last blog post that announced the December 2010 Toolkit release, there was some confusion about our Product vs. Toolkit.  I have added clarification to that post, but I wanted to put out another post dedicated to clearing up any confusion I caused. Up until now,... [Read More]
Tags: RIAServices

WCF RIA Services Toolkit December 2010

Up until now, the WCF RIA Services team has always published 2 installers with each release: The actual “Product” bits – What gets installed as WCF RIA Services (with a specific version number) The additional “Toolkit” bits – What gets installed as WCF RIA Services Toolkit The Product installer is... [Read More]

DomainDataSource Enum Filters

In early pre-release versions of RIA Services, the DomainDataSource control did not support filter descriptors for Enum properties.  We were able to get this fixed for our V1.0 RC release though, and I mentioned that back in March.  I said in that post that I’d follow up with details about... [Read More]

RIA Services SP1 Installation Note

With our WCF RIA Services V1.0 SP1 Beta release, we have a known installation issue that we wanted to call out.  In actuality, the issue is not with our SP1 installer, but with our V1.0 RTM installer, but it doesn't surface until you've installed SP1. To get right to the... [Read More]
Tags: RIAServices