10. React's Client-Side State

One of the primary value propositions of React is that it reacts to state changes and automatically and efficiently re-renders components when state changes. Let’s take advantage of that!

Something that threw me off at first was just where I’d find the setState method. Here were the options:

  1. On Timestamp, which is the result of React.createClass()
  2. On the result of React.createFactory(Timestamp)
  3. On timestampInstance, which is the result of React.createFactory(Timestamp)()
  4. On the result of React.render(timestampInstance, document.getElementById("reactContainer"))

I tried them in that order and of course the correct answer was the last option. But that makes sense–it is the rendered component that has state to be updated. So now that we know what object we’ll be able to call setState on, let’s use some state in Timestamp.js.

var Timestamp = React.createClass({
  getInitialState: function() {
    return { date: "Initial State: " + new Date().toString() }
  render: function() {
    return React.createElement("div", null, this.state.date)

Our component now sets its initial state to show the date but include a message that it’s the initial state. If you reload the page right now, you’ll see that the “Initial State” message is shown and even though we’re calling render every 1/2 second, the timestamp never changes. That’s because we’re rendering the component but we’re never updating its state from the initial state. To update the state and trigger automatic rendering, we’ll change index.jsx.

var http = require('http')
  , React = require('react')
  , HelloWorld = require('./Components/HelloWorld')
  , fs = require('fs')

http.createServer(function (req, res) {
  res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/html'})
  var body = React.renderToString(
      <HelloWorld from="index.jsx on the server" />
      <div id="reactContainer" />

  res.end('<html><head><title>Hello World</title>' +
    '<script src="//fb.me/react-0.13.1.js"></script>' +
    '</head>' +
    '<script>' +
    fs.readFileSync('./Components/Timestamp.js') +
    '</script>' +
    body +
    '<script>' +
    'var timestampInstance = React.createFactory(Timestamp)();' +
    'var timestampElement = React.render(timestampInstance, ' +
    '  document.getElementById("reactContainer"));' +
    'setInterval(function() { ' +
    '  timestampElement.setState({ ' +
    '    date: "Updated through setState: " + ' +
    '        new Date().toString() }) }, 500)' +
    '</script>' +

console.log('Server running at http://localhost:1337/')

Running the page now, you’ll see the “Initial State” message for a 1/2 second and then it will change to “Updated through setState” and the timestamp will continue updating. We are now updating the client-side component’s state and React is automatically re-rendering the component for us. Yay!

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