I had the pleasure of attending Øredev 2014 and presenting two sessions about evolving NuGet's code. It was my first time attending the conference and it was a terrific experience. My sessions were essentially 3-year retrospectives on NuGet's code, both server-side and client-side. I talked through how we built the...
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Volunteering with Cub Scouts
I've volunteered with the Cub Scouts for the last 5 years and it's been a great experience. As I'm winding down my role in the pack, I was asked to write a testimonial about how rewarding it has been to be involved. Here it is. Spending my days working in...
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A Fun ValidationAttribute Bug
I tweeted about a bug that I recently helped fix in System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.ValidationAttribute. As I said, it’s a bug resulting from code I wrote for that class years ago. I was honestly surprised there was any interest in this, but there was! Since I piqued your interest, I thought it only...
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Common NuGet Misconceptions: Package Restore
Package Restore is one of NuGet’s most popular features. This has been especially true since NuGet 2.7 introduced Automatic Package Restore in Visual Studio and the nuget.exe restore command for simple command-line package restoration. We hear many compliments about the feature and how it is transforming the way developers reference...
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Open RIA Services – Let the fun begin!
On September 19th, I made the initial contribution to Open RIA Services, committing the RIA Services codebase. The project is officially under way, giving developers even greater input into a framework that they love and reinforcing existing investments. Right off the bat, I’d like to thank you for your patience...
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