INotifyPropertyChanged -- Searching for a Better Way

I've been fiddling with different approaches for implementing INotifyPropertyChanged.  I blogged one approach awhile back, declaring my unhappiness with the pattern.  Neil Mosafi also talked about how INotifyPropertyChanged might be an anti-pattern.  I keep searching for a better way. At last night's Nerd Dinner, Brian Henderson was talking to Glenn... [Read More]

Simpson: Guilty on all 12 counts

O.J. Simpson was just found guilty on all 12 counts against him.  When he was arrested, I laughed my ass off and said it would be totally ironic if this would send him to jail for life after he somehow got out of murder.I remember reading the following quote when... [Read More]

Tim Heuer's Excellent Letter in Arizona

Tim wrote an excellent letter to all of his Arizona representatives.  Go check it out!  He calls out a lot of the pork that was in the bill.  Simply amazing.  Our government has never before looked as much like a bunch of crooks.