As I was writing up a response to the questions on a forums post about using DomainDataSource from a ViewModel, I thought I should just publish the notes here. I hope this helps people understand what will and will not work from the DomainDataSource when being used outside the visual...
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Writing a Custom Filter or Parameter for DomainDataSource
This post comes to you from a guest writer, Kyle McClellan. Kyle works with me on the RIA Services team and he’s contributed to the DomainDataSource feature (among many other features in the framework). Kyle made the changes that allowed us to remove ControlParameter and use ElementName bindings for FilterDescriptor...
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DomainDataSource Filters and Parameters
Of all changes that made it into the RIA Services RC release, one of the ones that I'm happiest about is the deletion of a class called ControlParameter. Yes, ControlParameter is gone, gone, gone--finally! If you’re wondering how you’ll get your UI-based filters and parameters to work without ControlParameter, do...
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ContosoSales Application for RIA Services RC
With the release of the RIA Services Release Candidate, it was time to refresh the ContosoSales application that was first shown in the PDC keynote. Let’s take a look at the changes made to move to the new release. The steps below are based on having downloaded the styled ContosoSales...
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Lookups in DataGrid and DataForm with RIA Services
While off reading random blog posts on the tubes, I stumbled upon a post that describes a 101-level scenario of using lookup data in the DataGrid and DataForm with RIA Services. The author was struggling to find a solution for the problem and was clearly frustrated. The scenario is very...
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