Deprecating RIA Services Live IntelliSense

WCF RIA Services V1.0 (and V1.0 SP1) included a feature called “Live IntelliSense.”  Live IntelliSense is a feature that you probably didn’t even know about, but you might also take it for granted.  Some people do know about the feature though as it’s caused a few problems, and those affected... [Read More]

WCF RIA Services Toolkit (August 2011) - And Updated NuGet Packages

The RIA Services team published the August 2011 edition of the Toolkit tonight.  We also refreshed all of our NuGet packages: RIAServices.Endpoints - Includes the SOAP and JSON endpoints RIAServices.jQuery - Includes the preview for our JavaScript/jQuery client RIAServices.ViewModel - Silverlight ViewModel (MVVM) features RIAServices.T4 - T4 Code Generation RIAServices.WindowsAzure... [Read More]

RIA Services Endpoints Poll

The RIA Services team is planning out some V2 features.  One common question that keeps coming up as we’re discussing ideas is how much people are using the “extra” 3 endpoints that we provide: OData, JSON, and SOAP. If you don’t know, the official RIA Services product contained the default... [Read More]
Tags: RIAServices

RIA Services EF Code First Support

You’ve been asking for it for what seems like forever now, and as of today, it’s available.  That’s right, WCF RIA Services now supports EntityFramework Code First!  Varun Puranik developed the feature, and he has blogged about it, including some very useful Code Snippets.  I recommend going to read his... [Read More]