We get paid bi-weekly on Fridays.  For those of you on bi-weekly paydays, you know that twice a year you get a little treat where you get 3 paychecks in a single month.

This year, our 3-paycheck months fall in February and August.  The fact that February is a 3-paycheck month is interesting to me as this is only possible because 2008 is a leap year and the 29th happens to be on a Friday and it falls on our pay cycle too.

It's been bugging me to figure out how often this can happen.  Actually, I want to know how often the 29th of February falls on a Friday and how often it will be a payday for us.  My guess is that this is the only time in my life that this will be a payday, and the next time February 29th occurs on Friday will be around 80 years from now.

I guess I'll write a little console app to spit out the next couple of occurrences of this.