Just in case you want to do this, here's a step by step guide.
- Start VS 2008 (no need to open a project or file)
- Click on Tool->Attach to Process...
- Select wininit.exe and click Attach
- Wait for the debugger to initialize
- Click the Stop Debugging button
When you attempt to attach to w3wp.exe, but it's not running, the keystrokes that you zip through in less than a second can cause you to be attached to wininit.exe. Once attached, you cannot detach, you can only stop debugging, which will cause a blue screen of death, every time.
I submitted this to Microsoft Connect here: https://connect.microsoft.com/VisualStudio/feedback/ViewFeedback.aspx?FeedbackID=328016
This is happening for me on my home workstation which is running Vista 32-bit on an AMD X64 processor. Nothing else running.